One of the challenges of PTSD and depression is that tasks can feel overwhelming. A simple chore, such as mowing the lawn, can feel much larger than it actually is. Perhaps when you’re mowing, you notice that the flowerbeds need weeding, or the lawn furniture is in need of repair. And while you’re at it, you notice the back side of the house needs painting. And you may kick yourself silently for not doing it last year, when you first noticed it was peeling. Suddenly, mowing the lawn becomes a list of everything you haven’t done right in your life over the last six months.
A wise first responder shared an insight recently,
“It’s okay to mow just one line, if that’s all you’re up to. Doing a little bit is better than nothing.”
He spoke of the importance of simply starting, without being paralyzed by the need to finish everything completely.
We’ve taken this to heart, and have been applying this principle across different aspects of our lives. Perhaps, I only have the energy to clean half my kitchen. That’s okay.
Today, I decided to text a friend because I didn’t feel up to a phone call.
Small steps toward a larger goal get us there a lot faster than trying to do too much, too quickly.
Warm regards,
Belinda Seagram, Ph.D., R. Psych.
Founder, Landing Strong