Programs & Workshops

Connect with people who can relate to your experiences, and move forward in your recovery.

  • Overcome barriers that are limiting your recovery from trauma.  
  • Get support and connect with your community in a safe space.  
  • Get insights from experienced trauma-recovery experts.  
  • Create a plan to feel strong, emotionally and physically.

Reserve your spot in an upcoming group program, call Julie at (902) 472-2972 or send a message to  

Core Programs


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Overcoming Trauma: Your past is not your future

This group helps to calm an overtaxed central nervous system.

Avoiding traumatic memories and situations that trigger PTSD symptoms prolongs injury and limits recovery from these experiences. Working together as a supportive group, we will reprocess traumatic events, allowing natural recovery to happen.

The peer support offered in this group approach is particularly helpful in addressing moral injuries.

Upcoming dates:

(Patricia/Alex): Fridays March 28, April 4, 11, 25 and May 2


(Sonia/Terry):  Tuesdays March 25, April 1,15, 22, 29


If you are interested in this program, please contact Julie at (902) 472-2972 or to save your seat.




Emotions Management: Stop faking good & start feeling good

Build confidence.  Reconnect with yourself.  Discover your true potential.

Break away from negative thinking patterns, understand how your emotions affect your behaviour, and learn how to gain control.  Develop healthy lifestyle habits and improve the relationships that are important to you.

Upcoming Dates: (Sonia/Kate) Tuesdays January 14th, 21st, 28th, February 4th, and 11th. 

If you are interested in this program, please contact Julie at (902) 472-2972 or to save your seat. 


Healthy Living: Live a life that reflects who you are

This new program is designed for veterans, first responders, and those who were exposed to trauma in their work who are feeling the effects of these experiences.

Bring your authentic self back into your life in a natural & real way.  Reconnect with your values and integrate them in all areas of your life.  When we find balance on the inside, the rest will come together.

Upcoming dates: (Sonia/Kate) Tuesdays May 20th, 27th, June 3rd,17th, 24th

If you are interested in this program, please contact Julie at (902) 472-2972 or to save your seat. 



Identity & Transition: Build a life beyond the uniform

You know how to be strong on the job.  You’re an expert at helping others.  Now, it’s time to care for yourself.  

Many years of personal sacrifice take a toll.  Knowing who you are outside of work can become a challenge. Reclaim parts of yourself that may have been lost and discover what’s really important to you.

Open to veterans, military members and first responders who are currently working, transitioning to something new, are off work but plan to return, or who have retired. 

Upcoming dates: (Patricia & Laslo) Fridays September 19, 26, October 3, 10, 17

If you are interested in this program, please contact Julie at (902) 472-2972 or to save your seat. 



Maintaining Health: Staying Strong

This program runs on the third Thursday of each month.  Registration is open year-round to anyone who has previously completed a Landing Strong group program.  

Stay connected with your community, and stay healthy long-term with this year-round resilience building group.

Upcoming dates:  December 19

2025 Dates:  January 16th, February 20th, March 27, April 17th, May 15th, June 19th, July 17th, August 21st, September 18th, October 16th, November 20th, December 18th 

Call (902) 472-2972 or email Julie to sign up for any upcoming program day.


Special Interest Programs




*Only 4 spots left!* From Surviving to Thriving

We are honored to have received funding for the design and launch of a new program for women impacted by military and work-related sexual misconduct.

This five-day retreat will create a safe and supportive environment that allows participants to work collaboratively to recognize strengths, build resources, and reclaim personal power.

The following topics will be explored together: creating safety; increasing skills for self-regulation; understanding the heroine’s journey; befriending our bodies; rebuilding trust; and reconnecting with joy.

Part 1 of a two-part series. –  April 27th-May 2nd, 2025

If you are interested, please contact Julie at (902) 472-2972 or to learn more.





Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction

This 8-week program is for veterans and first responders who want to learn new ways to manage their OSI, depression, anxiety, or chronic pain.

You will learn different meditation strategies alongside others who are interested in adding mindfulness to their recovery toolbelt.

Upcoming dates: Wednesdays 9:45am-12pm on January 8,15, 22, 29 and February 5,12, 19, 26
Optional Retreat: Wednesday, March 5 2025, 9am-12pm 

Call (902) 472-2972 or email Julie at to sign up. There are limited spaces for this special program.  Call today to avoid disappointment.





Advanced Skills in Trauma Recovery

This group program explores various barriers impeding recovery from operational stress injuries. Participants will learn how operational stress injuries are developed, contributing factors that maintain injury, and how their identities shape their understanding of injury.

Together, participants learn valuable skills and develop powerful strategies to support them in their journey toward their best health.

Upcoming dates: Wednesdays: November 5, 12, 19, 26, December 3 (Belinda and Jenny)

Call (902) 472-2972 or email Julie at to sign up. 




Mind/Body Health & Recovery: Make simple, natural changes to optimize your health.

Learn strategies to lower stress, improve digestion, sleep better, and enhance physical and emotional health.  This five-part series tackles topics essential to recovery:

  • Trust your gut: the secret messages your body is giving you
  • Using food as fuel to feel better: know what foods your body needs to feel good
  • Natural strategies for pain management
  • Increase your energy during the day & sleep better at night
  • Sex, hormones, and health: what you can do about it                                                                                        Upcoming Dates:  Fridays: November 7, 14, 21, 28, December 5 (Petra, Kate, Adrienne)

Call (902) 472-2972 or email Julie at to learn more. 




Navigating Next Steps: Figure out your next move.

Are you looking for support with reconnecting with community after a career of service?

You may be interested in exploring volunteer opportunities, feeling curious about a new career in the civilian workforce, or wanting to discover fun ways to connect with your family. Perhaps you’d like help structuring your retirement to support a healthy and meaningful next chapter.

No matter where you are in this transition, our team can help build the road-map to the future that waits for you, working alongside others navigating a similar path. Navigating Next Steps is designed to assist you move into this next chapter.

March 26, April 2, 9, 16, 23 – Jen & Terry 

If you are interested in this program, please contact Julie at (902) 472-2972 or to save your seat. 



Care for the Caregiver: A program for those in supporting roles

Rediscover your strength with this workshop series.  Find out how you can use self-care practices to become more resilient as you support someone who has PTSD or other Operational Stress Injuries. Gain insight about how these injuries affect those we care about.  Learn how to communicate in a way that allows you to reconnect in a meaningful way.  This program is designed to provide support and community to partners, family members, and close friends of people who are recovering from traumatic exposure.

If you are interested in this program, please contact Julie at (902) 472-2972 or to find out about upcoming dates.




*coming soon* 

Break free from unhealthy and unhelpful behaviors that are holding you back. Learn what drives these patterns and move forward with stronger coping strategies that support what’s most important to you.

If you are interested in this program, please contact Julie at (902) 472-2972 or to find out about upcoming dates.



Community Connection: Finding your place in community

This program offers a unique blend of the familiar Landing Strong team, with an off-site element to encourage community involvement, socialization, and an opportunity to push past your comfort zone.

This half-day program runs two days each month on Monday mornings. Sign up for one date, or several – depending on your interest and availability.

Connect with your peers, challenge your limiting beliefs, and explore what our great community has to offer. Upcoming activities include: Ontree Adventure Park, Watercolor Painting, Fishing to name a few.

Monday mornings –  Dec 2, 16, Jan 13, 27, Feb 3, 18, Mar 3, 17

If you are interested in this program, please call (902) 472-2972 or email Julie at to sign up.