Shouldering things together

Just because a problem has been around for a long time doesn’t mean it’s there to stay.There is something intimidating about an issue that we’ve been carrying for a long time. It can almost take on its own life. In my experience, the longevity of a problem does not indicate the difficulty it will take to sort it out.It is often a matter of looking more deeply, or through a different lens. This emphasizes the importance of not carrying things alone. By talking things out loud, and being open to new perspectives, it opens the door for change to occur. Positive shifts happen.If you have been carrying around a weight for a long time and aren’t sure how to get rid of it or lighten your load, we hope you’ll consider giving us a call.

Warm thoughts,

Belinda Seagram, Ph.D., R. Psych.
Executive Director, Landing Strong

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