Who are you… really?
To be enlightened is to know oneself -and not run away
– Veronique Vienne
It’s not easy knowing who we are beyond the work we take on in life: Military Member, Police Officer, Fire Fighter, Corrections Officer, Health Care Provider. These are all powerful roles, guided by deep- seeded values such as integrity, compassion and service. We all want to make our mark on the world, but this nature of work takes an invisible toll that is often unrecognized for years, even to ourselves.
Now you’ve stopped and are taking stock. What was it that prompted this?
Perhaps you’re more irritable than you used to be.
Or your focus or memory seem off.
You catch yourself tearing up during your children’s TV shows.
Your body has chronic pain that occupies all your thoughts.
These may be your body’s way of signaling that your ready for a change. A step towards assisting yourself rather than always being focussed on helping others.
Check out our fall program line-up and see if there’s something right for you.
Warm regards,
Belinda Seagram, Ph.D., R. Psych.