A good news story to brighten your day
A good news story to brighten your day
Every year, MADD Canada recognizes police officers who are going above and beyond to keep our roads safe.
This year marked the launch of MADD Canada’s Constable Heidi Stevenson’s Watch Award Ceremony, held at the RCMP headquarters in Dartmouth. This new awards program was introduced to recognize officers who remove the most impaired drivers from the roads. The Top Performer for 2022 was Constable Scott Aldridge, RCMP. The 2022 Gold Awards were presented to officers who removed 24 or more impaired drivers. We’re proud to acknowledge Constable Kristopher Hansen from the Halifax Regional Police as one of the 5 Gold Award recipients. This is the second time Kris has been recognized by MADD. In 2019, he received an award for being the Top Performer in the Province for the year 2018.
This award ceremony serves as a lovely acknowledgement of the significant impact Heidi Stevenson had in the province, as well as recognizing those who walk in her footsteps as part of her legacy. Heidi was Kris’ instructor for Standardized Field Sobriety Testing, Impaired Detection, and Drug Recognition Expert. Kris in turn taught the Impaired Driving Detection and Standardized Field Sobriety Testing courses to 5 of the 7 Bronze Award recipients.
Landing Strong applauds the effort of all the recipients of this most prestigious award.
This level of commitment, tenacity, and courage helps make our province one of the best places to live.
Warm thoughts,
Belinda Seagram, Ph.D., R. Psych.
Executive Director, Landing Strong