Just how good are you?

What do you say when people ask you where you are in your recovery?

“I’m way better than last year thanks but not yet as good as next year.”

“Moving in the right direction.”

Or my personal favorite shared by someone in group this week:

“Operating at an advanced level with exceptions”

The reality is, recovery is a journey, not a destination. It’s not something we “arrive” at, with the trip ending at a gold ribboned finish line and a crowd cheering us on. Make no mistake, as you recover, we will be there to celebrate your accomplishments, handing you healthy snacks and encouragement along the way. But often the gains will be more stealth. Suddenly you can sit with your back to the door without worries. You may no longer jump three feet off your chair when someone coughs loudly. Or heaven forbid, you may even enjoy a shopping trip to Costco.

With physical health, we understand that there isn’t an end point; a time when we say “great, my work is done, I’m good for life.” It’s a lifelong commitment. Emotional health is no different. There is really no such thing as “recovery,” because it isn’t an all or nothing concept.

Perhaps it’s more accurate to think of recovery from occupational stress injury as a continuum: a practice and commitment to long-term health.

For members of our community interested in deepening your tool kit, we will be offering an eight-week (2 hours per week) program of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR).
Developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn, this program is designed to provide intensive mindfulness training to help manage stress and reduce anxiety, depression, and pain.

Please give Julie a call if you are interested (902) 472-2972.


We hope to see you soon,

Belinda Seagram, Ph.D., R. Psych.
Executive Director, Landing Strong

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