Happy New Year!

Over the holidays I had the chance to spend time with family and friends. One young fellow, Ewan, captured my heart.

No matter what we did, Ewan was filled with excitement, fully enjoying the wonder of each moment as it unfolded.

“This was the best day EVER!” he exclaimed after jumping from the wood-fired sauna into the ice-cold lake.

“I can’t believe I got to chop down my first tree!” he shouted gleefully as the tree hit the ground.

Even when collecting rocks, he did not complain under the burden of the large, heavy bag he was carrying. His only utterance was “It’s so much better with you helping me carry the load.”

At the tender age of ten, Ewan understands that there are some burdens too big to shoulder alone. This is a truth that we somehow often lose sight of once we hit adulthood.

Having more people does indeed lighten the load. Our group programs exist for this very reason, to make sure no one walks alone. When we’re in good company the load we carry inevitably becomes easier to shoulder.

What better way can there be to start the new year than to join a community of people that understand.

If you have not yet signed up for our January program, Emotions Management, there are still a few spots available. If you’ve already completed it, we look forward to seeing you at our monthly Maintaining Health program on January 18th.

Happy New Year!

Belinda Seagram, Ph.D., R. Psych.
Executive Director, Landing Strong

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