This week, Mackenzie downloaded a podcast to my phone that I thought was terrific. It made me laugh, feel sad, and prompted some deep reflection about the nature of relationships. It’s the story of a couple trying to work out differences in three binge-worthy episodes. The format of their discussion is 36 critical questions. I use the word critical because they quickly get to the heart of what is most important in a relationship. At the core, do we share the same values, laugh at the same things, cry at the same time, and know how to let loose and have fun in a meaningful way?
It’s impossible to listen to this podcast without reflecting on one’s own relationships. I’ll share one of the questions with you,
“Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?”
In answering this, I went through a list of possibilities, ranging from Oprah to Gandhi to Michelle Obama. I’m happy to say that after a great deal of thought, I chose Joe. That’s right, the same man who I’ve been married to for the past 28 years. When push comes to shove, he’s the guy who I want to take me to dinner.
I invite you to enjoy the podcast, and perhaps use the list of questions (excluding #35) to spark discussion. It’s called “36 Questions” and is a 3-episode podcast musical.
Warm thoughts from the Landing Strong Team,

Belinda Seagram, Ph.D., R. Psych.
Founder, Landing Strong