Relishing our time together

Relishing our time together

Relishing our time together

Last week I was speaking with Jen Whalen who shared that she recently made relish with her Mum Ann, who many of you may know through our sessions at Maker’s.

They use an old recipe card that has been lovingly handed down. It is worn, stained and the cursive writing makes it look more like an old love-letter than a recipe. Jen’s Mum thoughtfully chooses the produce from local farmers and her own garden and together they wash, peel, chop, and grind, while mason jars steam on baking racks to prepare for preservation.

Together they reminisce about childhood, and each year learn more about one another. With a smile Jen secretly admitted to that she’s not actually a huge relish fan. But she does love to share it with those who are. Finding a pretty label attaching a hand-written note, securing it with twine and handing to a friend is a simple activity that brings her great joy.

It’s all about the little things, opportunities to connect, giving to others. When we take the time to notice what small seemingly insignificant things bring us joy, we can intentionally set ourselves up for more.

Warm thoughts,

Belinda Seagram, Ph.D., R. Psych.
Executive Director, Landing Strong

Those who run together, have fun together.

Those who run together, have fun together.

Those who run together have fun together

It was raining and tempting not to go, but luckily, we did and we couldn’t have had more fun!

In true Nova Scotia style, we kept up the family tradition of running the Valley Harvest Marathon, regardless of the weather.

There is indeed strength and spirit in numbers. Maybe you’ve experienced something similar thinking back to the first time you came to group? You may have sat in the parking lot coming up with a myriad of reasons why you couldn’t set foot in the door, but then, were glad you did. Perhaps you too were expecting rain, but like our family of runners, found sunshine by the end of the day.  Come run with us at Landing Strong.

Warm thoughts,

Belinda Seagram, Ph.D., R. Psych.
Executive Director, Landing Strong

Possibility of Wonderful.

Possibility of Wonderful.

Possibility of Wonderful

Have you met my husband Joe? AKA: ‘The Frenchy’s King’. His superpower is to hit any Guy’s Frenchys in Nova Scotia and within minutes, have his arms loaded with designer athletic gear that looks great!

Me? I’m not so lucky. On the few occasions I actually buy something for myself, I take it home only to realize the outfit does not at all match my imagination of what it would look like on. Think of me in a large paper bag. That’s the look.

 I’m going to let you in on a secret that I haven’t admitted to many people
 I go to Frenchy’s frequently to buy ridiculous amounts of gorgeous baby clothes. It’s become a thing.
I have an entire cupboard dedicated to tiny outfits, adorable sleepers, and little onesies. It is over-stuffed with a wide assortment of beautiful baby items, many of them new with tags still attached. I can’t make much sense of this, except to confess that I’m preparing for ‘the possibly of wonderful’.

I know its just around the corner! Whether it’s for a friend, neighbor, or a member of the family, I’m going to one of the first to show up for the celebration!

Not only that, but I’ve also developed my own style of packaging. Carefully creating wonderful baskets- assembling them like rainbows in a manner that brings me joy!

What ideas or themes do you play in your mind in the preparation of wonderful? Are you actively practicing it? Or silently rehearsing it? Our thoughts do create our realities

Warm thoughts,

Belinda Seagram, Ph.D., R. Psych.
Executive Director, Landing Strong

Recovery is a Journey not a Destination

Recovery is a Journey not a Destination

Recovery is a Journey not a Destination

Many people when they face a setback in their recovery may think, ‘Oh I’m not as far along as I thought I was.’ When in fact, its simply a bump on the road. Not an indication that they weren’t where they thought they were.

There will be many bumps, that’s natural. Just like how an athlete won’t run their best run every day, you too will have ups and downs on the road of recovery.

How do we stay strong when the journey feels so long? By simply taking note of small wins, we fuel ourselves for the longer journey.

One of the unique things about group therapy is newer members get the chance to meet people further along the road. It helps to trust the process, knowing that if you just keep walking, you’ll get to where you want to be.

Warm thoughts,

Belinda Seagram, Ph.D., R. Psych.
Executive Director, Landing Strong

What’s your Thanksgiving Back-up plan?

What’s your Thanksgiving Back-up plan?

What’s your Thanksgiving Backup Plan?

It must be Friday, because once again there’s a potential storm forecast this Thanksgiving weekend.

I don’t know about you, but I’m taking special joy in finding hacks to dodge the weather. Turkey remains on the menu, but we don’t necessarily need electricity to make this meal a success. Slow-roasted turkey over a charcoal BBQ provides a heavenly smoky flavor that has spoiled me for life.

What work arounds do you have to ensure the potentially wet weather doesn’t dampen your spirits?

Although we all have our special ways of preparing this time honored meal, ultimately, we know that Thanksgiving is about so much more.

This weekend offers an opportunity to practice gratitude, for the richness of our lives, the people in it and the beautiful province and country that we live in.

Regardless of the weather I feel grateful!

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Belinda Seagram, Ph.D., R. Psych.
Executive Director, Landing Strong

Do I stay or do I go?

Do I stay or do I go?

Do I stay or do I go? 

It’s not always an easy decision. You may not feel as though things are quite right, but those around you might not see it. At what point do you make the decision to take time off and prioritize your health?

You’ve been trained to push through the challenging times. If you’ve been “managing” well enough in your current role, how do you justify taking a step back, whether it be in your career, volunteer activities or even social life? In reality, the only person who truly knows the depths of what’s going on is you.

If you feel that you need some time to focus on your health and wellbeing, we’re here to help walk you through this process and get you to where you want to be. Luckily, this does not have to be an all or nothing decision. There is skill in knowing how to take snips of meaningful time for yourself, ensuring you are re-filling the well as you water the garden.

At work, we routinely assessed and prioritize situations. What would this look like if you applied the same concepts to your personal life? What tasks or commitments would you cut down on? Are there any areas that need attention?

How often are you carving out time to hand out with friends or do activities that you enjoy?

Is your bedtime allowing you enough time to rest?

Is your food and water consumption supporting your health and energy throughout the day?

Do you have activities that inspire you?

Warm thoughts,

Belinda Seagram, Ph.D., R. Psych.
Executive Director, Landing Strong

We’re all in the same storm.

We’re all in the same storm.

We’re all in the same storm.

We’re all in the same storm, just different boats. It’s not what happens to us that’s important, it’s the meaning of it within the context of our lives.

Before Dorian, Fiona or our recent flooding, we may have been buying storm chips and dare we say even a bit excited about the possibility of a storm. This doesn’t seem to be the case anymore. Because we are so connected to one another and are aware of the hardships our friends and neighbours have experienced, these weather events take on new meaning.

If you’re looking for support, we’re only a call away. You don’t need to “earn” your spot in counselling or our programs. If you’re ready there is a seat waiting for you. There’s currently no wait list.

Warm thoughts,

Belinda Seagram, Ph.D., R. Psych.
Executive Director, Landing Strong

No storm lasts forever.

No storm lasts forever.

No storm lasts forever. 

Nova Scotians love to talk about the weather. It’s a time-honored tradition, presumably linked to the fact that many residents of the province work in fishing and farming. Their safety and livelihood depended on good weather. We are also a unique province in the frequency with which we experience multiple seasons in the same day.

Over the past few months there has been a shift. Talking about the weather has been less a source of amusement, and more a source of anxiety or concern. There have been good reasons for it, for some of the greatest hardships we have faced recently have been connected to extreme weather.

It is in times when we are being tested that we truly witness the strength of community. Alone in a storm, no-one fares well. Together, we are stronger and better prepared to face what the elements might bring.

When we are connected with others, it is easier to remember that no storm lasts forever.
Find your strength within community.

We have a number of programs starting this fall. New members are always welcome. Fell free to give us a call.

Warm thoughts,

Belinda Seagram, Ph.D., R. Psych.
Executive Director, Landing Strong

Smiling at our dogs

Smiling at our dogs

Smiling at our dogs

This week, a close friend of mine got a new puppy. The puppy is unbelievably cute, filling the house with joyful excitement. I couldn’t help but smile as I looked down on my two older dogs, and lovingly think how funny looking they are. Don’t get me wrong, they have their cute moments. But late at night, when overtired, they often resemble gargoyles or gremlins.

How often do you smile simply because you are appreciating the beauty or amusement of a dog’s face? Can you find joy even in the humour?

Todays note is really about finding small things in your daily life that spark joy. Whether it is your dog’s face, watching the vegetables in your garden grow, proudly displaying a grandchild’s crayon masterpiece on your fridge, or making the perfect cup of coffee, these are little moments that make our day.

It may not be a day of big accomplishments, but it can still be a good one due to an accumulation of tiny perfect moments.

Warm thoughts,

Belinda Seagram, Ph.D., R. Psych.
Executive Director, Landing Strong