Resurgence of the poinsettia – a story of resilience

Resurgence of the poinsettia – a story of resilience

Resurgence of the poinsettia – a story of resilience

Around this time last year, we were gifted a healthy and vibrant poinsettia. These red flowering plants are a symbol of the Christmas season, and we loved how it brightened the waiting area with a pop of holiday cheer.

Christmastime came and went, and this beautiful plant was moved from its central location on the coffee table to a corner of the waiting room, where it continued to show-off it’s beautiful leaves of red and green… Until it didn’t.

One day, while tidying up the space, I noticed this sad, sickly plant with the foil wrap at it’s base and remembered that I had not once since the holidays given it water!

The red leaves had long since dropped, as had most of the green ones. All that was left were a few shrivelled brown stems. I considered tossing it into the compost, but then noticed the tiniest light-green curled-up leaves beginning to unfurl.

I quickly gave it a good drink and put it into the sunshine of the kitchen. Day after day, the landing Strong team nurtured it. Slowly but surely, fresh vegetation began to appear.

It’s been almost a year now, and we are happy to report that our poinsettia is alive, healthy, and well. Just this week I’ve noticed that the vibrant red is returning! Resiliency is all around us.

Warm thoughts,

Belinda Seagram, Ph.D., R. Psych.
Executive Director, Landing Strong

Finding Gold at the end of the rainbow

Finding Gold at the end of the rainbow

Finding gold at the end of the rainbow

Today I walked to work with a skip in my step and a smile on my face.

You see, my office is close to the group room. All week, I had been hearing the animated sounds of connection as participants from three separate programs formed new bonds, shared experiences, and supported one another in their respective journeys of recovery.

I can tell the programs are going well. The warmth and laughter spill across the reception area, like the heartbeat of the building.

On Friday, as I walked to work, all I needed to do was follow the rainbow.  Literally.  It took me directly to Landing Strong.

What a happy way to end a wonderful week.

Warm thoughts,

Belinda Seagram, Ph.D., R. Psych.
Executive Director, Landing Strong

How many psychologists can you fit in an ambulance?

How many psychologists can you fit in an ambulance?

How many psychologists can you fit into an ambulance?

A few weeks ago, Dr. Petra Woehrle and I joined a group of Psychologists for an experiential training regarding cultural considerations in working with Crown Attorneys and Paramedics.

We listened to personal stories, attended Court, and hopped into an ambulance for some high-speed drills. It was an incredible day but most of all, I was affected by the following information:

• The average career span of a paramedic used to be 5-7 years. Recently it’s been reduced to 3-5.
• The Crown Attorney’s office has lost 20% of its Prosecutors in recent years; a few to retirement, but many have found the conditions of the work too onerous to continue.
• 20% of Nova Scotia Paramedics are currently on leave.
• 25% of Halifax Regional Police are currently on leave.

This day served to renew my commitment to ensuring supports are there for those who need them.

We are grateful indeed for your service,

Belinda Seagram, Ph.D., R. Psych.
Executive Director, Landing Strong




Remembrance Day is upon us.

Scarlet poppies are proudly pinned over our hearts. We find Veterans in perfectly pressed uniforms at the entrances of our grocery stores.  School hallways are adorned with crayon masterpieces on manilla paper, honoring those who’ve served and continue to serve our communities and country.

It’s a time of reflection, appreciation, remembrance.

It’s interesting to hear about the many ways people chose to honour this day.

For some it’s important for them to show up at a local cenotaph with community to pay respects.  For others retreating to a favorite secluded trail or quiet spot in nature is the perfect place to reflect and remember.

However you choose to honour this time, know that we are with you in our thoughts.

Warm thoughts,

Belinda Seagram, Ph.D., R. Psych.
Executive Director, Landing Strong

We’re all in the same storm.

We’re all in the same storm.

We’re all in the same storm.

We’re all in the same storm, just different boats. It’s not what happens to us that’s important, it’s the meaning of it within the context of our lives.

Before Dorian, Fiona or our recent flooding, we may have been buying storm chips and dare we say even a bit excited about the possibility of a storm. This doesn’t seem to be the case anymore. Because we are so connected to one another and are aware of the hardships our friends and neighbours have experienced, these weather events take on new meaning.

If you’re looking for support, we’re only a call away. You don’t need to “earn” your spot in counselling or our programs. If you’re ready there is a seat waiting for you. There’s currently no wait list.

Warm thoughts,

Belinda Seagram, Ph.D., R. Psych.
Executive Director, Landing Strong

No storm lasts forever.

No storm lasts forever.

No storm lasts forever. 

Nova Scotians love to talk about the weather. It’s a time-honored tradition, presumably linked to the fact that many residents of the province work in fishing and farming. Their safety and livelihood depended on good weather. We are also a unique province in the frequency with which we experience multiple seasons in the same day.

Over the past few months there has been a shift. Talking about the weather has been less a source of amusement, and more a source of anxiety or concern. There have been good reasons for it, for some of the greatest hardships we have faced recently have been connected to extreme weather.

It is in times when we are being tested that we truly witness the strength of community. Alone in a storm, no-one fares well. Together, we are stronger and better prepared to face what the elements might bring.

When we are connected with others, it is easier to remember that no storm lasts forever.
Find your strength within community.

We have a number of programs starting this fall. New members are always welcome. Fell free to give us a call.

Warm thoughts,

Belinda Seagram, Ph.D., R. Psych.
Executive Director, Landing Strong