Resurgence of the poinsettia – a story of resilience
Resurgence of the poinsettia – a story of resilience
Around this time last year, we were gifted a healthy and vibrant poinsettia. These red flowering plants are a symbol of the Christmas season, and we loved how it brightened the waiting area with a pop of holiday cheer.
Christmastime came and went, and this beautiful plant was moved from its central location on the coffee table to a corner of the waiting room, where it continued to show-off itâs beautiful leaves of red and green… Until it didnât.
One day, while tidying up the space, I noticed this sad, sickly plant with the foil wrap at itâs base and remembered that I had not once since the holidays given it water!
The red leaves had long since dropped, as had most of the green ones. All that was left were a few shrivelled brown stems. I considered tossing it into the compost, but then noticed the tiniest light-green curled-up leaves beginning to unfurl.
I quickly gave it a good drink and put it into the sunshine of the kitchen. Day after day, the landing Strong team nurtured it. Slowly but surely, fresh vegetation began to appear.
Itâs been almost a year now, and we are happy to report that our poinsettia is alive, healthy, and well. Just this week Iâve noticed that the vibrant red is returning! Resiliency is all around us.
Warm thoughts,
Belinda Seagram, Ph.D., R. Psych.
Executive Director, Landing Strong