Preparing for the Harvest
Preparing for the Harvest
You have to love gardening. A lot of waiting and tender loving care, without the certainty that the results will be worth all the effort.
Will it be worth it? You might ask, putting yourself through the work necessary without any guarantee of reward? Initially, when we first plant our seeds, we just have to hope it will. After time goes by, suddenly out of nowhere, our tomato plants are laden with fruit.
Windsor is home to some of the world’s largest pumpkins. Magical things happen here.
In our monthly Maintaining Health series, we are witness to similar growth and change. No matter what stage of recovery people may be in, sometimes seeing what is possible provides us with the fuel and confidence we need to continue.
Fall is a great time to start sewing your seeds of change. A number of programs are about to start. Call us now to see what works best for you.
Warm thoughts,
Belinda Seagram, Ph.D., R. Psych.
Executive Director, Landing Strong